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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Cover Reveal: Daimon by Tich Brewster!

Title: Daimon
Series: Angels & Demons ~ book 2.5
Author: Tich Brewster
Publisher: Pennedit
Photographer: K Keeton Designs

Long before he was Hannah’s trainer and beloved boyfriend, Raum lived a simple life. Everything was seemingly perfect until Roakon appeared with a message.
He was a Daimon and had been created to help the heavenly host in their fight against hell.
Devastating things happen in his hometown when he decides to ignore the angel’s counsel. Now he must make a decision, heed the warning and embrace his destiny or lose everything he holds dear.

Tich is an Oklahoma resident and the mother of five.  Her passion for reading started at an early age when her Aunt Vicky gave her the novel Heidi for Christmas.  She didn’t start writing until middle school, after being inspired by her best friend’s short stories.  “Genny’s stories weren’t just great but they inspired me to put my pen and paper to good use.”  Tich never thought of publishing her works until working with Teresa on the Royal Blood series.

Author Links:

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Other Books in the Series:

A&D 1, Devada e-cover 2nd edition

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A&D 2, Divulgence e-cover


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Chasing Daybreak by Ranae Glass!

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Title:  Chasing Daybreak
Series:  Dark of Night, Book 1
Author:  Ranae Glass
Published:  March 24th, 2015
Publisher:  Crimson Tree Publishing
Genre:  NA Paranormal Romance
Content Warning:  Violence and adult language
Recommended Age:  18+

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 Isabel Stone wanted a normal life. But when the unexpected death of her father leaves her at the helm of the family business, things quickly go from weird to worse. Vampires are on the loose and out of the coffin, and only Isabel can walk the fine line between the world of the living and the world of the undead.
Torn between letting go of her past and embracing her future, Isabel will have to decide who she can trust, and be willing to use all the weapons at her disposal, to get to the bottom of a terrifying string of deaths that lead right to her doorstep—before she becomes the next victim. In a city where nothing is what it seems, ending up the target of a deranged killer might actually be the high point of her week. Because in this town, the things that go bump in the night… just might kill you.

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | GoodReads

“You were arrested for what?” I asked again in disbelief.
Shane sighed on the other end of the line. “Loitering. Are you gonna come get me or not?”
Part of me wanted to ask why he didn’t just call his rich vamp girlfriend or soon to be boss-man to bail him out, but I held back. Truth was, in some sick, co-dependent, Dr. Phil kind of way, I was glad he’d called me.
“Keep your panties on, I’m on my way. Just relax and try not to eat anybody,” I quipped.
In the background I could hear a male voice tell Shane his time was up.
“Isabel, just hurry, okay?” Nervous tension was thick in his voice.
I quickly put in a call to Craig Gentry, a bail bondsman who’d done some work for my dad in the past, and made a beeline for the precinct.
Shane was sitting on a wooden bench just outside the magistrate’s office, a young, nervous-looking officer standing behind him with a massive shotgun probably loaded with wooden pellets. Not fatal to vamps unless it took out the heart, but certainly enough to do some serious damage.
The kid couldn’t have been more than twenty-one, and judging by his general pallor and sweaty forehead, Shane was probably the first vamp he’d ever seen, much less been tasked to guard. Seeing me walk in, Shane slumped just a fraction, visibly relaxing. It was a very human gesture. One of the many things I’d miss about him when he grew into his new life.
I nodded, warning him with my eyes not to make any sudden movements that might spook the newbie.
Reggie was waiting for me at the desk, chatting with Matilda, the night desk officer. He’d obviously been called in from home. Still wearing his Superman pajama pants and gray sweatshirt, he cradled a cup of coffee with one hand and smoothed down his unruly bed head with the other.
“Reggie,” I called, turning his attention to me.
“Ah, Isabel. Good to see you.”
“Same here.” I thumbed behind me. “Mind sending Skippy over there to get some coffee or something before he accidentally shoots my partner?”
Reggie laughed, leaned forward and called over. “Hey Weston, I got it from here.”
The kid looked like he might argue, then thought better of it and closed his mouth, walking away backwards, watching the back of Shane’s head the whole way.
“Thanks. So what happened?”
“Looks like Shane was over at the Quick Mart down the road from your place about midnight. Clerk thought he was acting ‘suspicious,’ so he called in the black and whites. Shane gave them some lip and they moved to detain him when he flashed fang.”
“Did he put up any resistance?” I asked, knowing as soon as the words were out of my mouth that it was a stupid question. If he’d resisted either he, or more likely they, would be in body bags.
Reggie chuckled. “Nah. But he gave Weston a good scare.”
“The store owner pressing charges?”
“I doubt it. He was pretty pissed to get called in the middle of the night and dragged down here. He and Detective Richards are looking over the security footage right now. If the clerk jumped the gun, then most likely Shane’ll be free to go.”
I turned and looked over my shoulder at Shane who sat there wearing his best innocent face, then turned back to the desk.
“Hey, Reggie, has anyone taken mug shots yet?”
“No. If he’s cut loose there’ll be no need to book him.” His eyebrow shot up as he noticed the wide up-to-no-good grin spreading across my face.
“Cause the thing is, I could really use some photos for the Christmas cards.” I smiled.
Finally catching on, he erupted with laughter.
“Why not? You go break the bad news to Shane. I’ll meet you in the back.” He pointed over his shoulder to the double doors and the magistrate’s office beyond.
I walked over to the bench where Shane sat. “Bad news, the owner might be pressing charges. Reggie said you have to go get your mug shot and fingerprints taken. But he said I could go with you at least.”
Shane stared at me, his mask of innocence morphing into sheer panic, then fading to mild boredom and resignation.
“Fine,” he huffed.
The clink of snapping metal echoed in the nearly empty hallway as he got to his feet before remembering he was handcuffed to the bench. He held up his hands. The links between the cuffs were broken in half. Shane shrugged and I beckoned for him to follow me down the hall.
By the time Joyce, the lady in charge of taking mug shots, was finished Shane knew he’d been set up. Reggie and I were rolling with laughter. At first Shane was confused, but then he looked at the nameplate Reggie had made for him and saw that it read, ‘Merry Christmas from Stone Private Investigations.’

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Ranae Glass writes New Adult Paranormal Romance. A Southern girl at heart, Ranae loves feeding people, gardening, and sweet tea. She hails from Oklahoma and lives with her family out West where she spins tales of vampires, werewolves, and other things that go bump in the night. You won’t find any ‘vegetarian’ monsters here, her books are best served bloody and are not for the faint of heart. Ranae is the author of the Dark of Night novels from Crimson Tree Publishing.
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Crimson Tree Publishing Links:

Giveaway Details:
There is a tour wide giveaway. Prizes include the following:
  • A bookmark swag pack and winner’s choice of any Clean Teen Publishing eBook.
Giveaway is International.

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Friday, March 20, 2015

Review: Manwhore by Katy Evans!

book #1 of ‘the manwhore series’
Is it possible to expose Chicago’s hottest player—without getting played?
This is the story I’ve been waiting for all my life, and its name is Malcolm Kyle Preston Logan Saint. Don’t be fooled by that last name though. There’s nothing holy about the man except the hell his parties raise. The hottest entrepreneur Chicago has ever known, he’s a man’s man with too much money to spend and too many women vying for his attention.
Mysterious. Privileged. Legendary. His entire life he’s been surrounded by the press as they dig for tidbits to see if his fairytale life is for real or all mirrors and social media lies. Since he hit the scene, his secrets have been his and his alone to keep. And that’s where I come in.
Assigned to investigate Saint and reveal his elusive personality, I’m determined to make him the story that will change my career.
But I never imagined he would change my life. Bit by bit, I start to wonder if I’m the one discovering him…or if he’s uncovering me.
What happens when the man they call Saint, makes you want to sin?
Amazon Paperback:
RELEASE DATE: March 24th

I was never a big fan of the billionaire romance genre until Katy Evans wrote this book- until Saint changed my mind.

I've loved Katy Evans since Real. I devoured each of her novels, patiently awaiting the next book, and Manwhore is at the top of my list. Yes, as much as I love Remy and Brooke, Saint is definitely my new favorite.

There's something fiercely wicked and charming about Malcolm Saint, a man who gets everything he wants- until he meets Rachel. Like Rachel, I fell in love with him after seeing the many sides of him. He's every girls dream guy (with a bit of a troubled past) and so much more. Katy Evans sure know how to write hot alpha males!

I loved that the book was told through Rachel's point of view because she is a great and endearing character. She knows exactly what she wants out of life and she's not afraid of taking risks, yet she is still capable of making mistakes and that makes her a relatable character. She grew so much over the course of the novel and is a character I feel I could be friends with in real life.

The plot is my favorite part of the whole story. It flows much like a RomCom would, and combined with Katy's great writing I was hooked from page one! It was a race to complete this novel and find out how things would play out as the main character gets in over her head as every chapter goes by. It's more than a typical romance novel and was incredibly refreshing. I liked that social media played a big part, not only in the plot of the story, but the actual format.

Manwhore is a mix of blistering chemistry between two great, but completely different characters, romance, and a cliff hanger ending that will have you aching for the sequel. 

I'll be counting down the days until I can get my hands on Manwhore +1 and find out what happens to these two characters I fell head over heels in love with!

A big thanks to the publisher for the review copy! I am definitely picking this one up in paperback to add to my bookshelves!

5/5 stars!

Hey! I’m Katy Evans and I love family, books, life, and love. I’m married with two children and three dogs and spend my time baking, walking, writing, reading, and taking care of my family. Thank you for spending your time with me and picking up my story. I hope you had an amazing time with it, like I did. If you’d like to know more about books in progress, look me up on the Internet, I’d love to hear from you!


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Spotlight: Cold November Rain by Lisa Beth Darling!


 Mason and his Mystery Lover meet again in the second installment of the hot adult The Doc Series.  As he becomes sucked into her world of insanity, hot sex and crazy love ensue much against Mason's better judgment.  Mason is not alone in his lust for the fair 'Rose'. Someone else is watching and seething over her loss.

"You're in my head." Morning, noon, and night she was in his head and now she was finally back in his bed. He wasn't going to let any of the night slip by him. She leaned into him and he took one pert pink nipple into his mouth as he breathed deeply of her scent. Rick was slightly disappointed not to have the sweet scent of honeysuckle greet him he remembered it so well in his dreams. Disappointment turned to arousal as the heady aroma of cinnamon settled into his brain. With his lips and tongue sucking at her nipples, his head buried against her chest he heard her heartbeat pick up the pace.

Like the last time, she pushed him down on the bed and straddled him. She stared down at him with hungry sparkling eyes. "I've been waiting for you too, Doc." She whispered. That was true; she had been waiting for him. She'd been elated when she saw him walk into the bar tonight. She tried hard not to show it but she immediately began coming up with ways to politely ditch the much younger man she'd been considering for her evening company. When Doc came over to the table and dismissed the other man as though he were nothing more than annoying fly, she was very turned on. Yes, she liked a man who knew when to be a man and take charge of the situation. Doc seemed like that type of a guy to her.
Rick's warm hands planted themselves on each of her hips and then slowly made their way up the curve of her supple back to the braid at the back of her head. Untying the ribbon keeping her hair in place, he ran his fingers through her dark fiery tresses until they was loose, wild and hanging free wisping about her face and breasts. It was much longer than he remembered it being this past summer, then it had only cascaded to her shoulder blades. Cupping her pretty face in his hands, he brought her down and in for a long kiss taking in the taste of her and the scent of cinnamon hanging heavy in the air.
The scent of Fall. Of crisp leaves, hot cider and warm apple pie. Of nights by the fire, glasses of wine and sweet kisses such as this.
Straddled over him, her hips slowly ground down on him making the crotch of faded jeans steamy. Lips and chests pressed together, skin to unfettered skin; she reached down between her own legs to undo the restrictive clothing he was still wearing. Before she could free him, Rick rolled her over onto her back and pinned her hands behind her head with one hand. She let out a deep sighing moan and her back arched off the bed.
He knew she liked it rough, question was- how rough? Getting a firm grip on her wrists, he picked them up as he reached into the drawer by the bed to produce the handcuffs. She didn't complain in the slightest when he harnessed her to the bed. Now his hands were free and she was secure.
From below him, in a heavy whisper she asked, "What are you doin', Doc?"
"Nothing you don't want me to, Rosie." Rick whispered back. With devilish delight, he put the key between her breasts so that she could see it but she couldn't get to it. Looking back at her it was clear to see that she was so hot right now she was almost glowing. Those limpid eyes sparkled with anticipation. Yes, this was the way she wanted it. However, chances were she didn't want it too rough. Like last time, just rough enough to let her know who was in control tonight. He was going to take as much delight as he possibly could in finding out just where she drew that line.
Over and over, in his dreams one thing haunted him more than anything else did, even more than those pale eyes and sweet sighs. He didn't get to indulge in it the last time they were here. Now that he had her in such a submissive position, and she was enjoying the hell out of it, he was going to indulge himself in that act from the tip of his nose, to his lips, his chin and by the end of it, hopefully he'd be soaked to chest with it. Slowly, he made his way down her naked body from neck to shoulder to nipple and further still. Hands and mouth roaming wherever he pleased, lingering as long as he wanted all while he listened to her sigh and took in the enthralling scent of her. Turns out Medical School is good for more than medical situations. An intimate knowledge of female anatomy did wonders outside of the hospital. In fact, he couldn't remember a class he enjoyed more and was hard-pressed to think of one that he'd put into practical use more often. Seemed she liked it too. There were so many subtle places to touch and taste a woman's body. So many places other men passed by without a single thought, but they didn't understand about nerve endings, pressure points, and endorphins. Hell, let's face it; most guys didn't know the difference between a moan of pleasure and a groan of pain.
Most guys were idiots.
He wasn't most guys.

In order to celebrate the paperback release and upcoming e-book release, On A Hot Summer Night, book #1 in The Doc Series is FREE on Smashwords in Kindle and .epub format until March 25, 2015 when you use coupon code NG59F
Pre-Order Cold November Rain on Kindle and Smashwords $0.99:



Purchase the paperback from Amazon

Author Links:

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Spotlight: Sins of the Father by Lisa Beth Darling!


As Hannah recovers from emergency brain and heart surgery, memories of the past take over her dreams with such clarity they cannot be denied. As the last of the painful family secrets, including what really happened the night of Hannah's accident and the circumstances surrounding the death of her only son, Little Ricky, come to light it's up to her brother, Doctor Richard Mason, and his unconventional methods to help her confront the ugliness.  For it is only when we deal with our demons that we can leave them behind and work toward a bright future.
Please note this novel/series is NOT a "Christian" or "religious" story. Adult themes apply and reader discretion is advised.

"You have got to be out of your mind! Mason! Please! I'm begging you to reconsider." Spaulding pled. "You don't know what you're doing."

"Who says?"
"Any person with half a mind, which, by the way, is about all your sister has left and now you want to risk taking that away from her?  For what? To satisfy your morbid curiosity?" Spaulding ran a hand over his graying sandy head and grunted when Mason didn't answer him. " You don't even know if what you're thinking is actually true.  Are you really willing to risk her psyche on your hunch? You could trigger false memories for cryin' out loud! You could make her believe things that never happened except in your own twisted head!"
"They're not false and it's not morbid," Mason asserted. "I'm right about this."
 Spaulding tossed his hands in the air as the two of them stood in Father Murphy's bedroom with Spaulding staring at Mason's reflection in the beveled mirror as he changed clothes.  "Would you at least call Steward and get his opinion? Here…here's my cell, take it!" Spaulding grabbed Mason's hand and slapped the phone in his palm hard.
Mason looked at the phone and thought about it for a second or two before giving it back to Spaulding. "Steward's not a shrink," Mason said as he opened Father Murphy's closet and found lots of black, priests were big on that color.
"Neither are you.  Just for the record, a neurologist is a lot closer to a shrink than a nephrologist."  No longer able to stand there to Mason's back, Spaulding jumped in front of him. "Look, just, just, take her home, all right? The storm will pass soon enough, we'll take her home, I'll stay with you if you want, it's not a problem, really.  You'll watch over her, she'll sleep and Monday you'll make an appointment with Sanders for her.  Let a trained professional handle this. OK?"
No, it wasn't ok.  Mason had the distinct feeling that for Hannah this was an urgent case of Now or Never.  Monday would be too late. Spaulding was right, by then the storm would pass, her head would go back to being as cheerily foggy as ever and all those memories bubbling just beneath the surface would be re-buried.  Maybe this time for good, maybe this time her mind would finally be successful in fooling her into believing that none of happened.  According to Spaulding Hannah—along with so many thousands of others—could live very happily in denial for the rest of her life.
 That was not The Gospel According To Richard Mason.

In order to celebrate the paperback release and the upcoming e-book release, Genesis, book #1 in this series is FREE on Smashwords in Kindle and .epub formats until March 25, 2015 when you use coupon code PU49X

Pre-Order Sins of the Father on Kindle and Smashwords $0.99:



Purchase the paperback from Amazon