Friday, April 13, 2012

Author interview with Emily Guido!

First off, can you tell everyone a little bit more about yourself?
In the world of publishing, I am a newbie!  I just started writing “Charmeine” about two weeks before Thanksgiving 2011.  Before writing this novel, I was working full time at a college in New Jersey and going to MBA School full time also along with doing what any homemaker does to take care of her home and family like dishes, laundry, cleaning and cooking. 

What age did you start writing? What inspired you to start?
I have always had a creative streak in me.  I play violin, sing and have acted in musicals.  However, I have always been a good writer and never got anything below A’s on my papers through high school and college.  I loved romantic literature, especially English Literature.  I took a lot of literature courses even though I was a Business Major.  It’s kind of funny, my earliest memories is in seventh grade our teacher made us journal during the spring semester.  Other kids turned in a thin book maybe twenty papers thick.  I turned in a huge three-ring binder.  In my journal, I drew pictures (even though I couldn’t draw myself out of a paper bag), taped pictures from magazines in it, made up stupid poetry as well as writing every day. When I turned it in, the teacher’s eyes went wide in wonder; she must have thought I was a book geek to the max.  I never thought it was special but during the end of the year party, my teacher went crazy over it and read some of my poems and stories to the class as I sat blushing 10,000 shades of red!  I would give anything to have that stupid journal right now, it got lost in growing up sad to say.

Tell us about your book Charmeine.

Charmeine is a romance first and foremost.  Yes, there blood-hunters (vampires) and light-bearers (angels) in it, but the love story between these two great lovers, Charmeine and Tabbruis are always the most touching and tender scenes I have every written.  They are truly star crossed lovers in every shape and form.  Such total and complete opposites, and Tabbruis and Charmeine so secluded in their own prison with the torture that only lonliness brings. 
Tabbruis came to Earth thousands of years ago as a blood-hunter not remembering Heaven, Charmeine, or their family.  Charmeine or Charleen came to Earth in 1997 only remembering Char… She was taken in at a local orphanage and struggled to put herself through school and graduate school to become a teacher.  She loves children and teaching.  When Tabbruis saves her from a blood-hunter who wants to take her to the Elder Council for a death sentence, they immediately know something about each other is intensely different.  Tabbruis doesn’t let his guard down but Charmeine warms his heart!  Finally they both remember Heaven and Tabbruis melts into Charmeine loving arms.  However, there is way more to the story, they have to battle Heaven and Hell to stay together and avoid being put to death because their love is forbidden.  In the process a lot of surprises and twists and turns come into the story too.
If you are a sucker for a love story like me, you will have to have some hankies with you.  The book can just tug on your heart!
How many books will be in the series? Do you have any other books planned that you'd like to write?

“The Light-Bearer Series” will be four novels.  I wanted to make each novel an epic but I have learned the novels have to build with each one laying a foundation for the next.  In the first novel “Charmeine,” there is a lot of backstory.  I had to have it because without the backstory, the novel would crumble.  This novel is long and a person said to cut it in half and make two novels out of it, and I couldn’t do that.  I had to finish the story to some modicum of satisfaction.  I hate reading a series and then it is left in a life and death cliff-hanger! 
Do I have other books planned?  Hum, yes!  I do have a rather spiffy idea I’m brewing in my head and it is going to be pretty interesting to write it! 

What are you currently working on?

My next novel in “The Light-Bearer Series” is called, “Ransom” is finished.  I’m editing it now.  I have the third novel planned and the fourth is going to be nothing but epic like the first, "Charmeine."  I will blow your and the reader’s socks off for sure!

Who or what has influenced your writing, and in what way?
I have loved all the great romance writers William Shakespeare, Bram Stoker, Mary Shelley, James Joyce, Dylan Thomas, Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë, Jane Austen, Edgar Allan Poe, Guy de Maupassant, Diana Gabaldon, and most recently Felicity E. Heaton. 
However, the person who influenced my writing the most is my big sis, Connie.  I had 6 brothers and she and I were the only girls.  Connie was diagnosed with Leukemia and couldn’t go to school, so she would stay home and lie in her hospital bed and watch TV.  My fondest memories are watching “Dark Shadows” and “All My Children” with her while she raved about the hunky men.  I didn’t know what in the heck she was talking about, I was too young to know but I didn’t care, I was with my big sis and that was the only thing that mattered.  Connie died at 16 leaving a whole in my heart.  I’m sure Connie loves my novels.  I always think of her. Ya better believe she would have loved the romance and the hunky man candy in this novel for sure.   

What is the best and worst part about being an author?
The best part is the people!  The other authors, the bloggers, and of course the readers have been great to me.  It’s truly amazing the capacity to love people have!  The worst part of being an Author is the EDITING!  It is the bane of my existence!  I hate it because no matter how many times I go through my work, I can’t find all the mistakes and errors.  If you were to ask me what I want for Christmas… it would be free coupons with an Editor!

Are your characters based on people you know?
Oh that is funny!  YES!  I have two gal pals in “Charmeine” and their description is sort of based loosely on them.  Also, Shane is based on a guy I had my first crush on in the 8th grade.  So yes, there are people in my novels that I know.  No one knows how my mind works.  So watch out… you may end up in the next one!

Are any of your characters a lot like you?
I don’t think I’m as pretty, graceful or talented as Charmeine but I am as romantic, loving and accepting as her.  I would have to say it would be Charmeine, but not in the beauty department just in the all-heart department.

Do you listen to music while you write? Do you have playlists for your books?
Oh yes.  I have my iTunes going all the time.  I have about 10 different play lists ranging from classical to the current day hits.  It’s kind of fun to hear what comes up, it depends on my mood and what I’m writing.

Are there any specific things you have to have while you write?
YES!!!  Diet Cherry Coke Zero and earphones so I can concentrate on my writing.

Do you have a certain place/time you write?
Why, yes!  I’m writing this at 2:37 a.m. in the morning.  I stay up very late to get my writing done.  I also write at the kitchen table.  I know that it is not the best place, but I am central to everything and everybody in the house.

What do you do when you're not writing?
Work and go to MBA School, take care of chores at home and I love socializing with my Author, Reading, Blogging, Facebook and Twitter friends I have made!  They are wonderful.

Do you read all the reviews about your books?
Definitely!  I love feedback!  I think it helps me grow and definitely not take myself so seriously.  Everyone has an opinion and even though you would like to please everyone, you can’t.  So I will write to please myself and hope most of you all like it as much as I do.
What is the nicest thing a fan has ever done or said?

I am so new that I haven’t had too many people read the book yet so I don’t know if I have fans, but I do know there is a woman who took pity on me one night when I was really low and no one was READING Charmeine.  She encouraged me and she read it!  She liked it!  Really liked it!  She really was an Angel, and I will never forget her talking to me until 3:00 a.m. in the morning because I was going to quit!  I was going to walk away and Charmeine would have died before she was even born!  Thanks to that Angel, Charmeine lives!

Tell us about your journey to get published?
I got three books at Christmas 2011 on how to get published!  Read them and sent out inquires just like a good little girl night after night.  Very few responded but just to give me rejections.  Then I went out with my gal pals and while crying into my large glass of wine that Charmeine would never live and my gal pals said, “Emily, don't give up!  Too much time has been put into this book!”  After jumping through hoops, I finally did go on Amazon.

Do you read? Who is your favorite author?
I read a lot, and my favorite has to be Jane Austen, LOVE that Mr. Rochester or Mr. Darcy.  They both make my heart flutter.

Do you have any advice for aspiring authors like myself?
Yes... do it, do it, DO IT!  Write what you want and follow your own vision and your heart.  It will never steer you wrong!  As far as the business… get yourself a plate of armor because there is a lot of rejection.  But most importantly, build a social network of other Authors and Reviewers and Bloggers.  Read the other Author sites to get inspiration  Don’t swim in the deep end before getting your Blog, Facebook Page, Twitter, Gravitar, Pin Interest, and email up and running!  You will find these are superior ways deal with the onslaught of self-promotion that you need to do.

Random questions:
Describe yourself in three words

Humorous, Generous and an Adventurer in Spirit.

Favorite band?
Oh so hard, but it has to be Kansas, “Dust in the Wind”. It reminds me life is so precious.  If you listen to the poetry in the lyrics, it is beautiful as well as the music.  I’m a violinist too so the violin solo is pretty awesome also!

No!  I can’t say it… That is hard, I’m an old movie Connoisseur so to speak and I love them all but the best, I believe my all-time fav is “To Catch a Thief” with Cary Grant and Grace Kelly directed by Alfred Hitchcock.  Superb!

Purple baby!

Steak!  Love it!

If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?
THE BEACH no question about it!  I LOVE THE BEACH!  It is my Church, my peace, my little bit of Heaven on Earth!

Where can fans find you?
I’m at
My website is:
My Twitter Name is: Emily__Guido
My email is:

Anything else you like to tell everyone?
Have fun and keep your sense of humor.  If you should read "Charmeine," have fun and enjoy yourself.  It will reaffirm your faith in love!  Let me know how you liked it too!
Thanks so much for allowing me to interview you! :)
THANK YOU KRISTINA!  I had lots of fun!  You are awesome!

Happy Reading!

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