Friday, October 12, 2012

Flutter Blog Tour: Day 1

The Flutter Blog Tour is finally here! A lot of love and hard work went into this tour. We hope you have as much fun participating in it as we did planning everything!

A big thank you to all of the blogs participating! I could not have asked for a better group of people! A big thank you to Katy for all of your help, especially with the silly Rafflecopter stuff! 

Melissa, thank you for allowing me to host Flutter's Blog Tour. I've both had a blast and learned a lot. The countdown is officially beginning for the release of Flutter. I cannot wait to finally read it! I know both you and the book are going to do great things! Congratulations, my friend! I wish you the best! <3 

How did I come up with Flutter… It’s funny because I practiced answering this over and over in my head while writing Flutter in-case I was ever asked this question, in-case I actually finished Flutter. Haha. Now that I’m finally being asked it, I don’t remember the sparkly, polished, wow, answer I use to recite over and over in my head *insert face palm here*

Well the answer is still the same, just no bells and whistles this time! Flutter didn't come to me in a dream like Twilight did for Stephanie Meyer, nothing cool like that. I actually came up with Flutter in my car, on the way home from the store. I remember passing my daughter’s school and thinking how I wanted to do something different, something that hasn't been done before. Like Amanda Hocking did with her Trylle Trilogy. I ran over a bunch of different ideas, even going as far as Spanish fly, I know gross right! A split second after I thought that and quickly crossed it off the list, I came up with the idea for Flutter –what was that idea you ask?? Well I can’t tell you! It’s the very essence of Flutter and the big SECRET to what Sara is!

SO that’s my big ‘how I came up with Flutter’ story! Nothing fancy, no confetti or fireworks, but I will always remember that car ride home… *insert soft sigh, dreamy look off into space and cheesy smile here*

            From start to finish, Flutter has taken a little over a year. The major hiccup I had with Flutter it my pregnancy LOL. I had horrible morning sickness and I did nothing, but lay in bed all day! It took a couple months to get over that and when I finally did, I spent that next few months with my girls. So it was very challenging trying to finish Flutter with a newborn, but I managed!
Sara's life is forever changed -
 Waking up, buried & hidden deeply in the last place anyone would want to be, will do that. She is determined to find out how she ended up there & why, but when the only person who can help her, continuously lies to her, she finds herself forced to suffer alone. She can't ignore the strange things that begin to happen to her nor can she hide from the nightmares that haunt her sleep. And when her world collides with Adan - the mysterious boy whom she can't seem to stay away from, literally - she is consumed by the flutter that sparks whenever he is around and she is desperate to discover the reason why.
But the biggest discovery will come from the secret of what she is…

Adan’s mission to find Sara has finally begun -
 It seemed simple: bring her back to the enchanted world that lives, breathes and survives because of her, but he quickly finds himself faced with an entirely new challenge. Immediately, Adan realizes that staying unknown to Sara is a task he will fail before he even begins; the pull to her is far too strong to refuse, and being with her will defy the very reason he existed. He was the key to her survival and loving her was not part of the path that he had been born to follow. Can he find it in himself too resist the urge to be with her and follow through with their destiny or will he destroy everything that had been left to Sara to protect and defend -
And the kingdom she is unaware she rules…

As Sara and Adan struggle to overcome their own separate battles -
There is a far more determined evil that is stalking the shadows and waiting to annihilate them both.
Sara will figure out that not everything is what it seems and knowing what she can and can not trust will be the key to finding out the truth of what happened to her, the reason why she was buried alive and who she really is…

Sara and Adan will discover  why she was the reason he existed and why he would be the reason she survived & together they will fight to change the rules and rewrite their fate.
Discover the Meaning,
Discover the Secret,

Melissa Andrea
I find it hard to sum up my life in a paragraph, but I’ll try.
    Reading has always been a passion for me, and writing as instinctive as breathing. Every inhale is an idea; every exhale a creation. Flutter will be my debut release, and I couldn’t be more excited about it! The only thing I do better than writing you ask? Making beautiful girls. My daughter’s will always be my greatest accomplishment.
I was born in Denver, Colorado –but I will always think of sunny Arizona as my home. I don’t have a big family, but I’m close with my sister, brother & my mom. My mom is my hero, my inspiration, and I couldn’t have asked for a more amazing person to be raised by.
4 things you should know about me: I’m very girly, but I can get down and dirty with the best of them. I adore the color pink, I love things that sparkle (including vampires) and I like even numbers (hence 4 things about me, not 5)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Okay guys! To make the giveaway fair for everyone, we will be checking the entries to make sure
everyone is entering correctly. If we do find someone who hasn't followed through with the entry, we will pull you from the giveaway. So please, please make sure you've done each entry! 

Blog Tour Dates:

KristinaKristina's Books and More 10.13
Amber Amber Supernatural YA Reviews 10.14
Sabrina Paranormal Reads Reviews 10.15
Airicka Airicka Phoenix 10.16
Melissa/Lana Girls Heart Books 10.17
Brook The Cover Contessa 10.18
Karla Book Addicts 10.19
Krystal Krystal ClearBook Reviews 10.20.
Katrina The Hidden Reader 10.20.
Cassie Cassies Reviews de-la-mazing 10.21
Khelsey Go and Read Now 10.22
Stina Book Review and Things 10.23
Stacey Sassy Book Lovers 10.24
Jo Anne Jo-Anne Reviews 10.25
Nikki Vamps and Stuff 10.26
Becky Bex 'n' Book 10.27
Kendall Book Crazy 10.28
Lilly Lilly Book Gene 10.29
Katy Book Dream Land 10.30.
Cameo Cameo Renae 10.30.
Kristina Ever and Ever Sight 10.31
Debra Debras Book CafĂ© 11.1
Jessa Jessa Russo Writes 11.2
Michelle I'm a book shark 11.3
Vanessa Boekie's Book Reviews 11.3
Tish Tish Thawer 11.4
Martha Books, Books and More Books 11.5
Ruthi RandM Fab Book Reviews 11.6
Candy Just Me, Myself, and I 11.7
Jessi Book on the Bright side 11.8
Laura Laura Hunter 11.9
Tammy Tam's Two Cents
Micalea Michlea Smeltzer 11.10.
Brittany The Cover amd Everything in Betweem 11.11
Bella Paranormal Book Club 11.12
Mandy I Read Indie 11.13
P.E. Tantalizing Illusions Blog 11.14
Anagha Book Spark
Tiffany Sweet Treat Reviews