Friday, January 25, 2013

Fat B****es Blog Tour: On The Plus Side by Tabatha Vargo! Interview with the author!


Big girls need love, too, but at what cost?

Lilly is loaded, not only with money, but with weight. Both things she could do without. But even with her undesired millionaire status, she doesn’t hold on to false hopes of finding true love. So when a sexy stranger comes into her life dripping with seduction, she finds it hard to resist. The bigger they are the harder they fall and Lilly falls straight through the floor in love with Mr. Sexy. Too bad he’s there for all the wrong reasons.

The chance of losing it all will make you do some crazy things and Devin’s willing to do whatever it takes to keep his life together. All seems lost when out of nowhere he’s approached by a Millionaire Momma with an offer he can’t refuse. But even a womanizer like Devin has a heart and when the short, chunky girl with the carefree attitude breaks through his icy façade, he finds that losing everything takes on a whole new meaning.

***Warning: this book contains graphic language, sex, and violence. Mature readers only. Not intended for young adult readers.***

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Tell my fans a little bit about yourself and your books. 

Well, I'm a stay at home mom with a seven year old daughter. I'm also a full time student. I hope to teach high school English at some point in my life.
What inspired you to start writing? What age did you start? 
The oldest memory I have of seriously writing is at 11. Although, I know I've been doing it longer than that since I had stuff published in my elementary school paper in second grade. Everything inspires me to write. It drives my husband crazy! It's my own personal vacation from everything if that makes any sense.
What do you enjoy doing when you’re not writing?
I love spending time with my family and friends. I love a good get together with everyone! When I'm not doing that I'm READING. I'll read anything as long as it has some romance in it.
What advice would you give to an aspiring author?
Keep writing! That's all you can do. As long as you're writing then everything will fall into place. Oh, and BE PATIENT. That's a hard one for me. I want to rush through everything, but you can't. If you want to have a great product you have to put the time into it. 
What's the hardest thing about writing? The easiest? 
The hardest thing for me is stepping away from it. I have family to take care of and sometimes I get so involved with my characters and storyline that I tune people out. The easiest thing for me is coming up with ideas and storylines. This can be a blessing and a curse. If I'm in the middle of something and another story or another character gets in way it slows me down. I call it, writer's ADD. It's awful sometimes.

What are you currently reading?
My reading list has never been so long since I'm trying to keep up with everyone who's trying to keep up with me, but right now I'm reading Chasing Nikki
What are you currently working on?
I'm working on Wicked Hope and finishing up edits for On the Plus Side.
How has your life changed since you began writing? It hasn't. 
I won't let it take over my life.
Do you listen to music while you write? 
When I wrote Wicked Fate I had to have music, but for some reason I couldn't listen to music while writing On the Plus Side. I guess it depends on the subject matter for me.
What's been your favorite moment as an author?
When someone tells me they loved my story or that they can relate to my story. It doesn't get much better than that.
Out of all of your characters, who is your favorite? 
I think Lilly is my favorite. She is the most relatable to me. I could so hang out with her.
What do you want readers to take away from your books? 
I'll be happy if my books give my readers a little escape. Maybe some swoony moments and a laugh here or there. For me I read for enjoyment. I hope my books bring enjoyment to my readers.
You’re stranded on a desert island. What books do you take with you?
lol All of them?
Favorite book character?
I like all alpha male characters with smart attitudes and confidence. They are my weakness.
What is your dream vacation destination?
Do you have any interesting dreams or goals?
I just want to be a great wife and mother and a decent writer. As long as my family is happy and my readers are satisfied, I'll be happy.
Where do you see yourself in five years? 
In front of my laptop waiting for my daughter to get home from school. I'm pretty happy with my life. Don't get me wrong, if they ever want to make my work into a movie, I'm jumping on board, but if all I ever have is this, then I'll be happy.
If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be? 
Tabatha Vargo: Fatty Freed. lol
Where can fans find you?
I live on Facebook. You can find me there!

About the Author:

Tabatha has been writing since she could pick up a pencil. Her first publication was a little poem in her elementary school paper, from that point on she was hooked. When she was a teenager, she traded in her girly magazines for personalized writing notebooks.

At nineteen, she met her own personal prince charming and writing took a back burner for a while. She is now married to that prince and the mother of a beautiful Six year old princess/rock star. Once her daughter was born, writing came back into her life, and she finished her very first novel in May of 2009.

She is pursuing a Bachelors in English and hopes to one day teach while continuing to write.

As a stay-at-home mom and full-time student, Tabatha enjoys the freedom of spending a good bit of her days doing what she loves the most…writing.

Happy Reading!


  1. Fatty Freed, that is awesome! I love On the Plus Side, you did make me laugh and I can relate! I think you are doing amazing!

  2. You have accomplished what you set out to do, we are relating to the story and to you. It is really important that a writer know what they are writing, it comes out in the terms used, fears spoken and feelings exposed.

    Hoo-Rah Tabatha!!
