Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Keepers by Monique O'Connor James Review

Jess denies God. In his infinite wisdom, he's taken everyone she's ever loved. Moving to the French Quarter was a ploy to erase the guilt she felt for rebuking her faith. Perhaps, if she hadn't met Justin, an angel preoccupied with getting back into God's good graces, and drowning in his hatred for humanity, her plan would have worked.

Justin's general disdain for the human race makes him difficult to like, but some higher power has appointed him her keeper. Justin's convinced he can mend her broken relationship with her maker, but in the process he learns a thing or two about his own humanity.

Never mind falling in love, that's not supposed to happen. In fact, it may even be forbidden. Jess just wants Justin to understand her plight, and he wants to protect her from a world she doesn't know.

If neither are equipped to save the other, then whose soul will live and whose will perish?

My Review:
(Originally posted to Goodreads on June 10, 2011)

When I first saw this book was so based on religion, I was hesitant to read it. Not because I don't believe, just because I am not hardcore religious. I decided to give it a try because I had heard so many great things about the book. And that is one of the greatest things about it. This book focuses heavily on God, angels, good, evil, and all of that, but it isn't overwhelming at all. The religious aspect makes the book even more interesting and oddly calming, in a way.

The characters in this book are simply amazing. You have Jess, the girl that's broken and lost everything, and Justin, the angel that hates humans with a passion and doesn't like the situation he's stuck in. Watching the characters grow, especially Justin, was incredible. While Justin still doesn't like the human race at the end of the book, he has learned to love, to be jealous, and maybe even experience a slight amount of pain at the end. Dawson was a great evil character. Another brilliant thing about this book, is that the setting is almost a character itself. While Jess navigated the streets of New Orleans, I was deciding that I wanted to visit there myself. I loved and enjoyed reading about all the characters, even the minor ones. They are all loveable and I found a few similarities between me and Jess. I laughed at the begining where she has problems with her sandals. Been there, too.

Another thing that shocked me about this book is how much emotion the book evokes. I cried the last half of the book because Monique made Jess' pain very real. I've always believed that only a great book can make a person cry, and that is very true for this book. Amazingly, at the very end of the book, my tears ceased because the end left me with a satisfied feeling. I felt even better knowing that there will be a second book called The Watchers.

Everything a person loves about a book is in The Keepers: Romance (though it is different than other romances, in a good way though), action, a great plot that is original, a fantastic setting, loveable characters, beautiful writing (I enjoyed the bits of information Rory and Asher threw in)sexy angels, and a breath taking ending. Oh, yeah. It has a pretty cover too. What's not to love?

If this book is on your TBR pile, or if you've been thinking about getting it, get it now! You won't be disappointed!

*adds book to favorites shelf*  Now, I want a signed copy!


Happy Reading!

P.S. Yes, I did finally get that signed copy! :)

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