Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Guest Post with Author Jenna Kay

Happy Tuesday, Kristina's Books& More fans! I hope your week has started out great! Today I have author Jenna Kay taking over the blog for a guest post! Enjoy!

My Inspiration

Today I'm sitting on my back porch, enjoying the sunshine and loving the Spring-like weather(though it's only February). My daughter is playing with an interactive laptop that teaches preschoolers the alphabet, how to count, and different languages. When she gets a correct answer I watch as she claps her little hands—she smiles her brightest smile and my heart just melts. Smiling back at her I know that she's one of the many inspirations I have in my life.
As an author I've been asked this one question many times over: What inspired you to become an author?
When I'm asked that question I take myself back to a morning three years ago in 2009. The morning I woke up and realized that I was supposed to write. I had prayed a year straight that God would show me what I was supposed to be doing in my life. You see for years I'd known there was something other than being a wife and mother (though that's the most rewarding of all jobs and I love my husband and kids very much). In other words, there was a door that needed to be opened, one I had yet to find. That is, until God answered my prayers.
When I decided to give writing a go it was very exciting; it was also unnerving. You see, I'd hated school. I'd never been a reader or a writer. Absolutely loathed it. So when I woke up that morning I was a bit shocked.
Writing? Me? Really? Why would God choose this path for me? Someone who had not picked up a novel in years? How could I, a non-reader, just one day decide to be an author?
I don't have the answers to these questions, but I can tell you that I know I'm doing what I've been called to do. That's how it works. You don't question all the “whys” and “what ifs” in life—you just do what you need to do and get it done. Period.
Alright, so, back to what inspires me in my writings and fictional worlds.
I've narrowed my inspirations to three. I'll count them down.
Inspiration Number Three: My Family
The most important people in the world is my family. Without them I don't know where I'd be. They've always been there for me, supporting me, even when I'm at my lowest.

Inspiration Number Two: Music
Music and writing go together. I listen to music constantly, all sorts of music ranging from heavy metal to instrumental. With the right kind of music your imagination can surge and hatch mysterious and interesting worlds of your own. Some people may disagree with me, and that's OK, but I can say music helped me create the characters and fictional worlds that I live in every day.
Inspiration Number One: My Lord and Savior
God is the reason I'm here. God gave me this body and this life. He's blessed me with my family and music. And He's the One that blessed me with my writing gift. I'm a very blessed woman and I know I'm not alone in this journey.

With these important inspirations in my life I continue to be steadfast in my writing. Currently I'm working on two different projects (The Seer Society and The Gracen Chronicles), along with writing short stories with my CHBB sisters and brother. I'm so thankful to be part of the Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing family, and I can't wait to see where this company goes. Also I'm raising three awesome kids that are already showing a lot of promise as writers themselves.
“Mark of the Seer” will be launching February 29th through Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing. The second book in the series, “Broken”, will follow later this year. I'm currently working on the third in series, “Masquerade”.
Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about me. You can stalk me on a few different pages:




Website and Blog

And here

Thanks and much love to all!

Happy Reading!

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