Thursday, April 19, 2012

Charmeine by Emily Guido review!

Can romance develop between a heavenly Light-Bearer and a hellish vampire Blood-Hunter?

Tabbruis is a Blood-Hunter, he drinks blood to survive. Over millennia Tabbruis has wondered the Earth alone aimlessly living through many historical events. 

Charmeine just came to the Earth in 1997. Little did she know her destiny was to be Queen of all the Light-Bearers? 

When Tabbruis meets Charmeine the attraction is immediate and passionate. They are polar opposites and clash together in a strongly romantic and dramatic way. When she meets Tabbruis, Charmeine’s powers as a Light-Bearer, one who throws lightning, is triggered and grows exponentially.

Charmeine and Tabbruis soon find out they were made by God for each other; however, on the day God cast Lucifer out of Heaven, they were split up by some mistake. Charmeine sacrificed herself to save her Tabbruis but they were sent to Earth as total opposites and in different times. Tabbruis never remembered Heaven, Charmeine or their child. Until he met Charmeine, he did not know he was the King of Darkness and destined to be her Husband on Earth as he was in Heaven. 

Once Tabbruis and Charmeine proclaim their love for one another, they have to battle their way to freedom from the evil forces on Earth.

My Review:

I adored this book! Loved it!

A few weeks ago, I received a message from one of my reviewer friends saying that I HAD to check out this book. I read the book without really knowing much about it, and without reading any reviews, which was unlike me. I fell in love!

Charmeine was an absolutely breathtaking book! The story is unbelievable. It's unique, it's powerful, it's romantic and it's beautiful! The novel is rather long, but it's a fast read because it's addictive and hard to put down for even a moment. It really sucks you in and captivates you as well as captures your emotions and holds them hostage. The pacing and the world building are fantastic. The background information really helps the readers get to know who the characters are and why they're like that. I enjoyed it immensely. 

I loved everything about the book! All the characters, major and minor, especially the two main characters Charmeine and Tabbruis! Talk about swoon worthy moments between those two! Charmeine is a Light Bearer (angel)and Tabbruis is a blood-hunter (vampire). Their love is forbidden, so they've got kind of a star-crossed lovers thing going on and have to beat all sorts of odds and obstacles for the chance to actually be together. But the story is so much more than that. Emily did a great job coming up with such a wonderful plot! I love the cover! It's beautiful and the characters look a lot like I thought they'd look!

The story is filled with action, romance, and both historical and religious aspects, as well as some crazy twists thrown in for good measure! One of the best things about this book is that it is full of religious things, but in no way is it boring or is the author preaching. It is simply there to solidify an already great story. I believe this is what makes the story so powerful. It's a tale of not only true love, but of great always overcoming evil.

I recommend this book to anyone that likes a unique paranormal romance. I think that this book deserves a lot of attention, and I think that it will indeed get just that in the next few months! I think that people worldwide should pick up this story and fall in love with this incredible world!

I will be anxiously awaiting until I can get my hands on book 2, titled Ransom!


Happy Reading!

1 comment:

  1. I have nominated you and your website for The Versatile Blogger Award! Congrats! Emily Guido! It is on my webpage:
