Friday, June 8, 2012

Blog Tour: Ugly Like Me by Nia Shay Excerpt and Giveaway!

Happy Friday, KB&M fans! In honor of my 21st birthday, I have Nia Shay on the blog today! Enjoy her post and stay tuned for a giveaway!

Title: Ugly Like Me (Angel Warden Series #1.5)
Author: Nia Shay
Length: 6,275 words

Sub-Genres: Paranormal Romance, M/F, Contemporary, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Urban Fantasy



TAGLINE: The darkness without is nothing compared to the darkness within...





Jandra Maxwell is just beginning learned the horrifying truth about dark angels. In keeping a promise to an innocent victim, Jandra must face the shadows in her own heart, and accept another facet of her unique nature.

(Author's Note: This short story directly follows the events of Dark Angel's Ward and is not intended to be a standalone title.)




He raised hollow eyes to meet mine. The flames within them dimmed and guttered out. Darkened, they looked like empty sockets in his pallid face. I leaned in close, searching the depths of them for the terror I hoped he felt.
I looked, and I saw…nothing. I stared into the black mirrors of his eyes and found only emptiness, an infinite void in what should have been the windows of his soul. A hunger to grasp something he could never hold, to fill that emptiness inside by any means necessary.
"I know that hunger." The realization struck me so hard, I couldn’t marshal my thoughts in time to keep from projecting it.
He let out a sharp breath in what might have been a scoff. I barely noticed—I was frozen in horrified fascination. The aching chasm in my own heart yawned wide, reflecting the darkness of those eyes as surely as they reflected my own face back at me. I shuddered, hating him, hating myself…
I wrenched my gaze free of his. “I know that hunger.” This time I whispered the words aloud.
“Then sate it.”
I ventured a glance at his chin, muttering, “You’re so eager to die?”
His lips curved up again in that faint, mocking smile. “You have no intention of letting me live. Why shouldn't you enjoy the kill?”


Available June 9th at Smashwords and!

Coming soon to B&, iBooks, Sony Reader Store, Kobo, All Romance eBooks, and more. Check out for information.



Nia Shay is a reclusive weirdo who lives in a tiny concrete box in the middle of the Arizona desert. (No, seriously.)  In between dealing with mild OCD and an epic caffeine addiction, she finds time to mold the voices in her head into cohesive sarcastic remarks, and sometimes even a story or two. She has been penning such tales, almost all of them with a decidedly paranormal flavor, since the second grade. Now that paranormal fiction is the "in thing," Nia has decided to overcome her extreme distaste for trends and jump on the ol' bandwagon. Join her on her harrowing journey through the twisted corridors of her own mind—that is…if you dare.

**Nia is giving away a swag pack to one lucky person! To enter you must:
1.) Follow the blog
2.) Like Nia's author page on Facebook:
3.) Leave a meaningful comment along with your email, GFC, and name you liked Nia's page with.
You will receive an extra entry if you share this post. You must either provide a link, or tag KB&M. Otherwise it will not count.

Happy Reading!


  1. Thanks so much for hosting me today Kristina! You're the best :-)

  2. Tried the FB link but got nowhere *sigh* stupid iPhone :( Love the excerpt though, good luck and wishing you many sales

    1. Thanks Margie! I was having a devil of a time making a hyperlink for my page last night, too. I'm thinkin' it's Facebook and not your iPhone.

  3. I have read Dark Angels ward and can't wait for the sequel. Nia is a fabulous author. Email is Thanks for the giveaway.

  4. What a great execerpt Nia (ok, I can't spell and my kidlets are taxing my brain, but you know what I mean. I hope.)

    Definitely draws my interest. Maybe one of these days when things slow down (snort) I'll get a chance to pick up your book!

    Good luck!

  5. argh. forgot the email address:

    Am a fan of your FB page.
    Not sure what GFC is....

    1. Google Friend Connect, hon. It's for subscribing to the blog. Over in the right hand sidebar. Thanks for entering!
