Friday, June 22, 2012

Osric's Wand Blog Tour Stop!

Welcome to the world of Archana
where magic, intrigue, and heroism prevail!

Archana is a world much like our own; yet, in many ways it is like nothing we have ever seen.  Magic flows through every being, and through the ground itself, giving life to all manner of creatures.  It is no more unusual to have a conversation with a squirrel than it is to speak with your neighbor.  Humans live alongside dwarves, elves, gnomes, and irua, as well as prairie dogs, bears, and lions. Unicorns are not only real, they are unkillable.  Dragons fill the skies, and for a silver piece or two, they will fly you wherever you need to go.  Each individual, human or otherwise, is born with an innate magical ability.  From prophecy to portentism and wand-making to water elementalism, these abilities allow Archana’s inhabitants to interact with their world in ways we can only dream about.  
Magic is a way of life on Archana.  Since the first wand was made and used to channel a person’s magical energy, magic has been used for everything from washing dishes to waging war.  However, Archana’s residents have only begun to scratch the surface of magic’s potential, much like early scientific discovery in our world.  Just as time and intellectual pursuit has led to advances in medicine and technology here, the world of Archana is on the brink of a magical renaissance.  Will it bring peace and prosperity, or will it be the beginning of the end?

Don’t miss the first book in the Osric’s Wand series
The Wand-Maker’s Debate
by Jack D. Albrecht Jr. and Ashley Delay

First off, can you tell everyone a little bit more about yourselves?

Ashley: If you have been following the blog tour, you are probably tired of reading our bios, so we are trying to keep it fresh... a little known fact about me is that I detest chocolate ice cream.

Jack: A little known fact about me is that I am a HUGE fan of Star Trek!

How many books will be in the series? Do you have any other books planned that you'd like to write?

Ashley: There will be at least three books in the Osric’s Wand series, but there may be many more.  It depends on how the storyline evolves as we write.  My daughter wants to write as well, so I would love to co-write a children's book with her in the near future.

Jack:  There is some amazing potential when you start a series as early in history as we did with Osric’s Wand.  One thing that I have noticed is that this is becoming a much bigger story than it was initially intended to be, so who knows where it could go!  

What are you currently working on?

We are currently finishing up the second book in the Osric’s Wand series, The High-Wizard’s Hunt! We anticipate a September 2012 release, and we can’t wait to hear what everyone thinks of the next installment.

Are your characters based on people you know?

Ashley:  Our characters are not based on real people, but we can’t help but share some characteristics of people we know with our characters.  I must say, I see a little of my five-year-old nephew in Pebble, and a bit of my dad in Machai.

Jack: I see a whole lot of my sense of humor in Gus and Kenneth, and of course Osric’s good looks are a perfect description of my dashing looks, musculature, and height.... Nobody wake me up, please.

Are any of your characters a lot like you?

Ashley:  No, not really.  I tend to be very analytical and type-A, while also being very emotional and thriving on creative outlets.  If one of our characters shares those personality traits, they haven’t told us yet.

Jack: I think I draw a lot from my internal struggle to write Osric, but most of my outward personality is channeled through Kenneth and Gus.  Parts of me tend to show up in each of the characters, but none of them really reflect me in a whole.

What do you do when you're not writing?

Ashley:  I try to spend as much time with my daughter as possible, but I run my own business, and I also go to school full-time.

Jack: I tend to my apiary, I am finishing up my degree, and I just started a job in a pharmacy.  I keep myself busy most of the time, but the bees give me an escape from the busy life and allow me the time to see a miracle happen on a daily basis.

Do you read all the reviews about your books?

Ashley: Absolutely, we love hearing from the readers!

Jack: What she said!  I think I read them as quickly as they come in.  We use every bit of feedback we get to help us make our writing better, though we do not let any of it change our style.  We strive to be better, and there is no other way to do that than to listen to the words that readers write about our book.

Do you read? Who is your favorite author?

Ashley:  I love to read, anything and everything!  My favorite genre has always been fantasy, but I enjoy reading almost all fiction, and a wide variety of nonfiction as well.  Choosing a favorite author is impossible for me, but the last thing I read (other than a textbook) was David Farland’s “The Runelords” series.  I highly recommend it!

Jack: I have a lot of favorite authors, but I think the one I look forward to more books from the most is Brandon Sanderson.  I loved the Mistborn series.  The Way of Kings was fantastic and has the potential to become another epic like WOT.  I can’t wait for the 2nd book, A Memory of Light, to become available!
Do you have any advice for aspiring authors like myself?

Ashley: Never stop writing, read as much as you can, and try collaborating with another author.  It’s a blast!

Jack: I could not say it any better than Ashley did.

Describe yourself in three words:

Ashley: Creative control freak

Jack: Artist, Father, Friend...can you tell we described each other?

If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Ashley: I can’t wait to travel to Greece!

Jack: Vegas, baby!

Where can your fans find you and The Wand-Maker’s Debate?

Right now, the ebook is exclusive to amazon, but you can buy the paperback and hardcover anywhere books are sold.  If they do not have it sitting on the shelf, they can order it for you.  Here are the links to all of our online locations.

Website            Keep an eye on the website,, as the release of The High-Wizard’s Hunt approaches.  You could learn some inside information, get a sneak peek, or even win some free stuff!


Facebook Fanpage


Barnes and Noble



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