Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Review: In It To Win It by Morgan Kearns!

Sportscaster ‘Plain Jane’ Alexander was a late bloomer. Back in the day, she blended into the background, content to watch from the sidelines while Grayson Pierce soaked up the spotlight. Content until he broke her heart. Bitter, hurt and angry Jane did the college thing, came out of her shell, and never looked back. Grayson loves baseball. It was his pastime in high school, his passion in college, and now … his career. However baseball isn’t the only thing in Grayson’s heart. The problem is that Grayson has the reputation as a bad-boy. He likes fast cars and loose women and expensive liquor. All things that make him deplorable in Jane’s eyes, throw in his hot and cold attitude and she is ready to scream. When the promise of an exclusive interview brings a very reluctant Jane to Grayson’s home, she realizes that not everything is as it appears. 

My Review:

In It To Win It is the second book in the Deadlines & Diamonds series. It is also the fourth book I've read by Morgan!

After falling completely in love with Fade to Black, I wondered how In It To Win It would compare. Well let me tell you, In It To Win It is even better than Fade to Black. It's half the length of FtB but packs quite a punch!(Sorry, Rich. Sorry, Kate. I still love you both!) In It To Win It is the story of Grayson Pierce, the smoking hot, bad-boy baseball player, and Jane Alexander the "plain" sportscaster for KHB. The two share a past and things get pretty tense for a while and helps heat things up. The two of them have great chemistry!

I stand by the statement I made in my review for Fade to Black. Morgan really is the Queen of Contemporary. Once again the story excels with the characters she's created. I applaud for the wonderful character development. Each character is unique from all other characters. Not only that, but several of the characters from Fade to Black appear in Grayson's book! (Nate! <3) We also meet Xavier, Rockets Rookie and the star of book three, Out of Left Field. After the brief taste of him, I'm unbelievably excited to read it. And no, not just because of the Jimmy Thomas cover... Okay...Part of it is that cover. :)

There are so many sweet moments in this book. I nearly bawled like a baby in the end. The last chapter is gold! Where can I find a guy like Grayson? Lots of romance, humor, and suspense as well. The story line is so intense and intricate. There are lots of new factors playing out in this novel.

This series has quickly become an addiction. Definitely a favorite of mine! I'll be sad when I finish book 3 because then I'll have to wait for Santiago, book 4's man! I promise I'll be patient, Morgan! :) I'll be cheering you on from the bleachers!

Instead of voicing how much of a fool I was not to pick up these books sooner, I'm going to go start on book 3!


Happy Reading!