Sunday, October 28, 2012

Liebster Award!

A big thank you to the wonderful Katy over at Book Dream Land Blog for picking me as one of her five bloggers!

To participate:
1.Thank and link back to the nominator
2.Answer questions from award giver
3.Nominate 5 other bloggers with fewer than 200 followers
4.Ask questions for nominee's to answer
5.Post Liebster Award on your blog

My questions from Katy:

1. Can you tell me a bit about yourselves!?
I am a 21 year old Junior at a Texas University majoring in English.  Once I graduate, I want to work in publishing- editing and marketing books. One day I'd like to write my own, too. I love reading and helping to promote great books and authors!

2. What is your top 5 books you’ve read this year!?
That's so hard! (Here are a few in no particular order)
1.) Morgan Kearns' Lucky 13
2.) Gracen Miller's Hell's Phoenix
3.) Deena Remiel's Relic
4.) AJ Sweeny's Of Blood and Pulse 
5.) Kristine Cheney's Spartan Surrender!
(and you get one more!)
6.) Karen Marie Moning's Spell of a Highlander

3. What do you guys like to do when you’re not blogging!?
I think the more accurate question would be: What do you do when you're not studying? I have many passions besides reading and blogging. I have a great love for music, movies, and dance. I enjoy spending time with friends, traveling, and, like any other woman, shopping! I've also recently become addicted to The Voice and True Blood. 

4. What made you decided to start blogging!?
I started writing reviews in June of 2011. The first few I posted through Goodreads got really good reception, like publishers tweeting my review, good reception. After a while I noticed that a lot of other reviewers would post their reviews on their blogs. So I decided to check some out and then decided it was probably a good idea that I do that, too. KB&M got its name because I wanted authors and blogger friends to easily recognize my blog/page and I also wanted to talk/post about more things that just books. I don't blog as much as I'd like, but I love when I do.

5. Last one…..Team Edward or Jacob? Tee-hee!
Neither! I'm not much of a Twilight fan anymore. I'm Team Eric or Team Alcide!

My Nominees:

My Questions: 
1.) When did you begin blogging and who/what inspired you to start?
2.) What blog (author, reviewer, etc) do you visit the most?
3.) What's been your favorite book/series this year and who wrote it?
4.) What is your favorite genre?
5.)Who is your literary crush?

Happy Reading!


  1. Thank You from Lovetiggi's Book Reviews

  2. Whooooo! Thank you for nominating Spartan Surrender as one of your favorites. Love you, girl! xoxo

    Kristine Cheney
