Thursday, February 6, 2014

Author Interview with Andrea Cooper!

Tell my fans a little bit about yourself and your books.
Hi, thank you for having me.
I’m from Houston, Texas. It is not the weather that keeps me here (Hot & Humid 360 days a year), but family and the yummy TexMex food. I am a wife and a mom to three kids: two boys and a girl. I enjoy reading and writing fantasy, paranormal and historical romance. Even though I have never taken a dance class, I love Zumba. I am addicted to several SciFi/Fantasy TV shows and would have a meltdown if my DVR broke.

I love fiction. 99.7% of the books I read are fiction. I will only read a nonfiction for research, to learn something, or if the book is highly recommended. As a kid, I read nonfiction, only if it was forced. I wasn’t allowed to read or watch anything with magic, fantasy, or mythical. So naturally, I craved them. I still cannot get enough of reading them, so now I write them too.

How would you introduce your books to someone that has yet to read them?

I write fantasy, paranormal and historical romance. The Garnet Dagger is about an Elvin vampire who must find a witch and kill her for his cure. However, he falls in love with her instead. A Warloc sends blight to the Elvin lands and strives to capture her magic through her death.

Viking Fire is a historical romance with a touch of magic. What happens when a Viking must woo a feisty Irish lass?

What inspired you to start writing? What age did you start?
I have always been a storyteller. I remember being in Elementary school and the neighborhood kids coming up to me asking what we were going to play. I created the plot and characters. Once we played ‘Space Vampires’ (yes I know it sounds silly now, but to a second grader it was revolutionary) and so that the kids did not bite each other, I told them their fangs were their first two fingers.

When I grew up, I could no longer ‘play’ out my characters. Since I had written poetry when I was fourteen until my early twenties, I tried a couple of times to write a novel, but life got in the way. After not writing for years, my Muse got tired of waiting and handcuffed me to her until I wrote my first completed novel in my early thirties and I have not stopped since. 

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not writing?

I love reading in the same genres I write in: fantasy, paranormal and historical romance. I am also a gamer. Give me a hack-n-slash, magic-wielding, dungeon crawler game and don’t expect me to remember you are there. However, because video games are so addictive now, I’ve had to put them aside to get other things done like cleaning house, laundry, cooking, etc. Of course, that does not stop me from daydreaming about winning the lottery so I can pay someone to clean house and cook dinner, freeing me up to play.

What advice would you give to an aspiring author?

Read. A lot. What you hate (know why you do) and love (again, know why). Write. Repeat. Join a writers’ or critique group. Repeat. If you are a writer, it won’t matter if you get published, you will have to write because you have no other choice. The words, stories, and characters are taking over your life J

What’s your favorite scene/line from your works?

I love them all, but I’ll give a scene from Viking Fire:

“The bedchambers are upstairs.”

“Lead the way, then, my lady.” He grinned. His smile did not falter her resolve to be rid of him; instead, she stomped each foot on the stone steps.

“Our room.” She waved her hand as she stood at the threshold.

He moved passed her and into the room. “Tis the first you admit we marry.”

“No. I said no such—”

He pulled her in his embrace and she went rigid. She opened her mouth to scream, but as she drew a breath, his lips crushed hers. Tingles of warmth crept from inside her to the tips of her toes. Her mind raced, demanding she be free, while her traitorous body melted in his arms. His kiss became gentle and sparked a craving inside her for more. His mouth opened, offering her to taste secrets. She slackened against him as his tongue played across her lips, stroking, and numbing her thoughts. He did not force his way further, but ended the kiss with her lips yearning for his. Then he stepped back.

“Your lips and eyes speak of your love.” He beamed at her frown. “Now I am sure of your passion for me.”

“No.” That was enough! He had overstepped his bounds with his arrogant assumptions. “You are mistaken; I wish to never marry you.” She would not fall in love with him. No matter his handsome face. She must not allow herself to acknowledge that she liked it when he kissed her. She would never be free if he became the laird over her.

“Aye, your kiss spoke more than you know.” He chuckled and held her hand kissing her palm. “In time the rest of you will agree as well.”

What's the hardest thing about writing?

Getting the word out about my books. It’s a noisy world out there with everyone shouting for attention.

What are you currently working on?

I am working on revisions to Son of Dragons Book 2 in The Garnet Dagger series. I’m also working on a YA paranormal romance.

What books did you read as a child?

Are my parents reading this? Nothing with magic or fantasy. (Looks around) Oh, good, they aren’t – anything and everything I could get my hands on that had magic, fantasy, paranormal, etc. in it. However, I never read Tolkien, Lewis, or Martin until after I wrote three books in the Garnet Dagger series. I was too guilt-ridden to read them.

How has your life changed since you began writing? 

I would say my life hasn’t changed much since I started writing. Since I’ve been published though, its crazy busy with blogging, guest posts, interviews, etc. Now I hardly have time to write my novels. I’ve thought about a software program (since I love multitasking) where I could speak my story while cleaning the house. I’d get so much done J

Do you listen to music while you write?

Sometimes. It depends on my mood and what I’m writing.

What's been your favorite moment as an author?

My favorite moment was being published and a reader telling me they loved my story and asked when the next one was coming out. I will never get tired of that.

Out of all of your characters, who is your favorite?

I love them all, but I’d have to go with Brock, my Elvin Vampire, since he was my debut novel, The Garnet Dagger. And he inspired me to write three more stories with him.

What do you want readers to take away from your books?

Entertainment, and that love is worth fighting for.

Do you have any interesting dreams or goals?

I have vivid dreams and…oh, wait you mean like goals (hehehe). Yes. I would love to have more books published and fans. Perhaps even have my stories turned into movies or even a TV show.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

In five years, I see myself dropping off my daughter to kindergarten and my son to fourth grade, then giddily driving back home to work on my latest novel (without kids under foot and feeling guilty). In addition, scheduling a flight for later in the week to go to my book signing.

Where can fans find you?

Everywhere. Here are a few places:
Author Website:

Check out Andrea's books and read excerpts here:

Growing up in Houston, Texas, Andrea has always created characters and stories. But it wasn't until she was in her late twenties that she started writing novels.
What happened that ignited the writing flame in her fingers? Divorced, and disillusioned by love songs and stories. They exaggerate. She thought. Love and Romance are not like that in the real world. Then she met her husband and realized, yes love and romance are exactly like the songs and stories say. She is now a happy wife, and a mom to three kids (two boys and a girl).
Andrea writes paranormal and historical romance. When not writing or reading, one may find Andrea dancing in Zumba.
She believes in the power of change and counting each moment as a blessing. But most importantly, she believes in love.

Buy Links:
The Garnet Dagger Amazon:
The Garnet Dagger B & N:
The Garnet Dagger iTunes:
Viking Fire Amazon:
Viking Fire B & N:

Viking Fire iTunes:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for having me.
    In celebration of Valentine's Day, both of my ebooks and 348 other Crimson Romance Titles are on sale at Amazon this month for $1.99 each! Amazon search link:
