Friday, June 27, 2014

Series Spotlight: Ward of the Vampire by Kallysten!

Ward of the Vampire serial

It’s THE party of the season. Socialites, artists and A-list stars have been invited to Morgan Ward’s birthday bash, including Angelina’s boss, Delilah.
For months, Angelina has been looking at the preparations from afar, but never did she imagine that, come the day, Miss Delilah would put her in a gorgeous gown and bring her along as her ‘plus one.’
She also never imagined that Miss Delilah and her brother were vampires, able to compel her to remain in the mansion against her will long after the party ended, or to draw her into incredibly real, dizzyingly sexy fantasies.
And she certainly never imagined that, little by little, she’d fall in love with her reluctant, standoffish host, and manage to peel back his armor to uncover his past – and his heart.

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In January, I released Homeward, the 5th and final part of the Ward of the Vampire serial. It concluded the serial after almost a year of regular releases, and brought together the characters, narrator Angelina and the myterious vampire, Morgan Ward. When they first met, angelina certainly didn't imagine she'd take a liking to him... especially since that encounter almost caused her death! Here's an excerpt from that first meeting...

Feeling a little lightheaded, I looked around for a bit of quiet and solitude, but guests were everywhere. When I passed by heavy curtains, I lifted a corner, and was almost relieved to get a glimpse of a balcony behind a window.
I checked that no one was paying attention to me, then slipped behind the curtain and opened the window. It was only when I stepped onto the balcony that I realized someone was already there.
He was leaning forward, one elbow resting on the ornate stone balustrade, his chin propped in his palm. His hair was darker than ink. When he glanced back, I barely saw the cigarette hanging from his lips.
My eyes went straight to his, and I couldn’t suppress a quiet gasp. They were so dark that they seemed completely black. I knew it was only because of the lack of light, but just the same, that look made me shiver. That, and the cold December air. He didn’t seem to mind the cold at all. He’d taken his tuxedo jacket off, and it rested on the balustrade next to him.
“The freaking party’s inside,” he said in an exhalation of smoke, looking away again. “Go back in and leave me the hell alone.”
At any other time, I’d have stammered an apology and gone back in. I honestly don’t know what came over me. Maybe it was the champagne. Maybe I simply couldn’t stand going back to all that noise, all those people quite yet. Maybe it was the smoke; I quit a long time ago, but when I’m stressed I still crave nicotine. Or maybe I was just tired of doing what other people told me to.

“I don’t think so,” I replied, stepping to the other end of the balcony, as far away from him and from that delicious smoke as I could. “Why go in and enjoy the company of so many pleasant people when I can be out here with a jerk?”

I was looking down at the park on the other side of the street, but from the corner of my eye I could see him turn his face to me, the end of the cigarette flaring bright red when he sucked in a breath.

“Why indeed inflict such charm on them,” he drawled, “when you can focus it on me? Name your price, already and go.”

I turned fully toward him, outraged. “My price?” I repeated, probably in a too loud voice. “My price for what? Who do you think I am?”

“I have no idea whatsoever who you are,” he said, looking away from me again. “But I know your kind. I know why you come to parties like this, showing skin halfway down to your navel.”

I gasped in disbelief, my free hand instinctively coming up to the exposed skin above the top of my gown. Compared to some other décolleté dresses I’d seen that night, mine was nothing if not conservative. And it definitely didn’t go down to my navel.

“How dare you,” I started, but he wasn’t finished.

“Your kind only wants two things. To meet famous people or to swindle money out of them. Either go back in or name your price. Or would you rather I get you thrown out of my home?”

My outrage and protests vanished in the time of a heartbeat, as I understood who he was.

My home, he’d said.

I shuddered as I remembered Miss Delilah’s admonition. She’d told me to be nice. And instead…

My heart jumped to my throat. My chest constricted until I couldn’t breathe anymore. Every inch of my body felt as though my skin were being sliced with shards of glass.

I knew only two things in that instant. I was in front of Morgan Ward, my host, Miss Delilah’s brother, whom I’d been rude to. And I was about to die.


The serial is available either in 5 installments (Ward of the Vampire, My Reluctant Warden, Awkward Holidays, The Coward's WAy Out and Homeward) or one volume titled Ward of the Vampire - complete serial. At this time, it is available only for Amazon, with the first installment being offered for free every first day of the month.


As I was writing the serial, I teamed up with a comic book artist and released mini comic interludes set between each books. They can be found on my blog:

Kallysten’s most exciting accomplishment to date was to cross a few thousand miles and an ocean to pursue (and catch!) the love of her life. She has been writing for over fifteen years, and always enjoyed sharing her stories and listening to the readers' reactions. After playing with science fiction, short stories and poetry, she is now trying her hand, heart and words at paranormal romance novels.
To see her other stories, including free short stories and sample chapters, visit You can also find her onFacebookTwitter, or subscribe to her newsletter to be informed about new releases and giveaways.

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