Sunday, September 15, 2013

Blog Tour: Distortion by Deena Remiel!

James White has it all, looks, brains, and a charming personality. But in his romance cover model’s world, those blessings have become a curse. A colleague has blurred the line between life in front of the camera and reality; distorting the truth, and turning a friendship into a dangerous obsession.

Hope Evans had a dream job, working with sexy, hot photographs; turning authors’ dreams into award-winning covers. When unexpectedly laid off, she must find her namesake in life … some kind of hope for her future. Can a birthday wish give her what she truly desires? They say be careful what you wish for.

Destiny brings Jamie and Hope what they’ve been seeking: each other. Fate also throws in a psychopath and her equally sinister sister, both hell-bent on making Jamie and Hope’s world a living hell.
A hero on thousands of romance covers; can he be one for real, when lives are on the line?

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It was the mystique of Arizona’s history and landscape that called to Deena and catapulted her career as an author. When she’s not writing urban fantasy and paranormal romance novels in the wee, small hours of the morning or in the deep, dark of night, Deena teaches language arts to middle school students. She currently lives in Gilbert with her husband and two children, but New Jersey will always tug at her heartstrings. She loves connecting with her fans, so find her at 

Midnight in LA was like rush hour in LA. It took them twice as long to get back to his place as it should have due to a couple of accidents off to the side of the road. Brake lights and headlights lit up the freeway like a lava flow. Hope had fallen asleep soon after Jamie put her in the car. He replayed everything that had happened since his photo shoot went bust with Brittany and his ire reignited. He didn’t know what he’d do if she tried to contact him again. She’s good, the psychotic bitch, always making it seem as though I’m the bad guy on the phone and she’s only trying to make things right again. At last, he pulled up the driveway and into the garage. He turned off the car and closed the garage door. Time to forget about her and concentrate on the extraordinary woman next to you, bud.
“Hope, babe, we’re here.” He leaned over and kissed her lightly on her cheek. She stirred, turned toward him, and smiled drowsily.
“Oh, good, ’cause I’m in desperate need of a comfy bed and you, mister. What are the chances of me getting those at this time of night?”
He put his forehead against hers and whispered, “I think your chances are pretty damned good. In fact, I’d say it is a sure bet. Place your chips, baby.”
Her throaty laugh sent waves of heat through his body straight to all points south. The nighttime air had caused her voice to deepen and rasp, and sound sexy as hell. “I’ll place my chips, honey. Just show me where.”
“Right here, sweetheart, right here.” He pointed to the bulge in his pants. They burst into laughter that sent tears streaming down their cheeks.
“Oh, my God! That’s the cheesiest line ever.” She shook her head.
“I know! I can’t believe I just said that!” He turned serious and looked at her sparkling eyes for a moment, needing to touch her. He reached out a tentative hand to gently tuck away a stray lock of hair behind her ear. “Let’s get out of here and into that comfy bed you requested.”
“Yes, let’s.” Her eyes spoke the rest of her desires.
He brought her straight to his bedroom on the second floor, a master suite, complete with loveseat and sofa by a fireplace at the far end. She marveled at the moonlight casting a soft glow through the amber stained glass windows, illuminating a king-sized bed loaded with pillows of all shapes and sizes. He pushed them aside and lowered her gently to the plush bed coverings, joining her just as she’d been anticipating since before dinner. They stayed locked in a desperate embrace for a while, before he released her. He rose above her like a canopy, his powerful arms and legs forming posts on either side of her. She couldn’t resist, wouldn’t resist the urge to release his hair from its bindings, and raked her fingers through to release their waves. His eyes, golden with desire, seemed to search for refuge in hers.
“I could lose myself in your eyes.”
 She parted her lips but found no words to adequately respond. She batted her lashes and turned away, embarrassed and thrilled at the same time. He moved his head and captured her gaze once again. “No, don’t look away. Look at me. Let me find lost in you.” He’d spoken so softly, so openly and raw. She smiled gently at his play on words, loving the intimacy, the perfection, of the moment.
 She raised herself up to but a hair’s breadth away from his face. “Kiss me, Jamie, and we’ll find lost together.” 

I loved this book when it was Picture Perfect and I love it even more now that it is Distortion!

My original review for Picture Perfect- essentially the first part of Distortion- was,

"Deena Remiel has done it again! Picture Perfect is a fabulous short story that has the perfect mixture of action and sizzling romance. It's a fast entertaining read that will have you falling in love with the characters and will sweep you off your feet." 

While all of that is still very much true for Distortion, this story is even more amazing than the original one was. Deena took an already great idea and made it even better by adding a good deal more to the story. Not only is it longer, but it's filled with even more suspense and sexiness that will be sure to have readers hearts racing, palms sweating, and itching for more. It's a classic, read-it-all-in-one-sitting-, roller coaster, page turner. It'll make your heart soar and make your head spin at the same time. And at the very end, it'll have you in tears because despite all that happens to James and Hope- love conquers all.

Deena's normal good vs. evil theme is present and stronger than ever! Terrifyingly wicked bad guys- and girls- and equally terrifying situations. Everything is told in detail- nothing too gory, but just enough to make your mouth dry. Likewise, the good guys are unbelievably good, and have to learn to face their demons at the end. 

Distortion is a captivating read with just the right amount of sexy and an HEA. Picture Perfect, if you ask me! ;)


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1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for hosting Distortion today and for the AMAZING review! <3 I'm so glad you loved it!
